1.   His talk was followed by a question and answer session.

2.   It follows talks with some of the unhappy policyholders without guaranteed annuities who will have to foot some of the bill.

3.   Kono and Ivanov signed the documents following their talks, which also covered bilateral and international issues.

4.   The talk is followed by a panel discussion on new trends in families.

5.   Their tough stance followed talks at Camp David in which Mr Bush agreed to delay action until the new year.

6.   The meeting followed emergency talks held in Paris after border clashes in April and May, and an exchange of artillery fire between the border troops.

7.   The remaining half would be divided following talks between Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

8.   We talked with the leaders of Israel and following those talks they made very important steps to establish a process with respect to the deportees.

9.   Ampolex said it will recommend the revised bid to shareholders following talks between the two companies.

10.   At the reception following his talk, he gave me a bear-hug embrace and congratulated me on returning to my native Texas after many years in exile.

v. + talk >>共 397
hold 28.76%
resume 7.42%
begin 4.30%
have 3.89%
open 2.62%
suspend 2.28%
continue 2.04%
start 2.00%
attend 1.82%
follow 1.55%
follow + n. >>共 1020
suit 6.02%
lead 1.99%
report 1.85%
meeting 1.75%
attack 1.72%
series 1.33%
rule 1.09%
example 1.08%
procedure 1.02%
death 1.02%
talk 0.97%
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