1.   Calorie-free fluids do not add to body fat, hinder weight loss or cause fluid retention in those of normal health.

2.   It is characterized by escalating blood pressure, protein in the urine and fluid retention in the extremities.

3.   Many people with heart problems suffer from fluid retention.

4.   Most of us tend to eat far too much, which can lead to fluid retention.

5.   ...fluid retention.

6.   And the mothers often suffer from dangerously high blood pressure, fluid retention and possible neurological problems during pregnancy.

7.   And the factory pork releases a lot of liquid in cooking because the animals have been given hormones to increase their weight through fluid retention.

8.   Complications of extensive node removal include pain, swelling of the arm, decreased range of motion and localized fluid retention.

9.   In addition, the drug almost always makes patients sick with such symptoms as low blood pressure, kidney and lung problems, cardiac abnormalities and fluid retention.

10.   It can raise blood pressure and cause fluid retention, for instance, and people with hypertension are often told to avoid it.

a. + retention >>共 47
fluid 20.41%
record 11.22%
better 5.10%
higher 4.08%
coffee 4.08%
high 3.06%
periodic 3.06%
increased 3.06%
urinary 3.06%
so-called 2.04%
fluid + n. >>共 276
motion 3.79%
transport 3.31%
buildup 3.15%
retention 3.15%
loss 2.84%
movement 2.52%
situation 2.52%
intake 2.37%
secretion 2.05%
absorption 1.89%
每页显示:    共 20