1.   Fluid loss is usually accompanied by electrolyte loss.

2.   This normally occurs after any sudden and serious loss of blood or after excessive fluid loss following a severe bout of diarrhoea.

3.   Similarly, the addition of food to oral rehydration solution further restricts fluid losses and significantly shortens the duration of diarrhoea.

4.   But if fluid loss is promptly corrected intravenously or by drinking oral rehydration solutions, the death rate falls to less than one percent.

5.   Dr. Michael Bergeron of the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, who is a specialist in fluid loss in athletes, said the problem extended beyond sports.

6.   Extensive exercise or even yardwork can contribute to sizable fluid loss.

7.   For football players, weight loss almost always means fluid loss.

8.   Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive fluid loss, and heat stroke is caused by the failure of cooling processes, such as sweating.

9.   It is a canvas for registering emotions and portraying our visual identities, a barrier against internal fluid loss or external toxic invaders.

a. + loss >>共 611
heavy 4.06%
straight 3.33%
huge 3.17%
early 2.85%
big 2.56%
financial 2.53%
first 2.42%
consecutive 2.15%
hearing 1.64%
net 1.47%
fluid 0.14%
fluid + n. >>共 276
motion 3.79%
transport 3.31%
buildup 3.15%
retention 3.15%
loss 2.84%
movement 2.52%
situation 2.52%
intake 2.37%
secretion 2.05%
absorption 1.89%
每页显示:    共 18