1.   One possibility is that continuing SCFA production can improve fluid absorption in the colon and minimise symptoms.

2.   Both drugs significantly reduced fluid secretion or increased fluid absorption.

3.   The effect was more pronounced the lower the rate of fluid absorption or the higher the rate of fluid secretion.

4.   A large net fluid absorption was then recorded.

5.   In eight animals lidocaine decreased fluid secretion or increased fluid absorption.

6.   A rough calculation can, however, be made based on the rate of fluid absorption observed in the control rats.

7.   In addition, these ingredients speed fluid absorption from the gut into the bloodstream, making dehydration less likely.

a. + absorption >>共 67
intestinal 10.22%
fluid 8.76%
net 5.84%
atomic 5.11%
increased 4.38%
full 2.92%
poor 2.92%
systemic 2.92%
total 2.92%
fat 2.19%
fluid + n. >>共 276
motion 3.79%
transport 3.31%
buildup 3.15%
retention 3.15%
loss 2.84%
movement 2.52%
situation 2.52%
intake 2.37%
secretion 2.05%
absorption 1.89%
每页显示:    共 12