1.   A few floating plants can be grown with this to provide natural shade.

2.   The breeding tank should have plenty of gravel, lots of fine-leaved plants, and lighting diffused by floating plants.

3.   Use robust plants, rocks and bogwood, and include some floating plants for this surface swimmer.

4.   Floating plants may or may not have roots anchored in buckets of soil placed on the bottom of the pond.

5.   Floating plants have foliage that rests on the water surface.

6.   It forms impenetrable mats of floating plants that can shade out native submerged plants and cause water quality problems.

7.   The idea of a floating plant on the Brooklyn waterfront is so new that it has not become an issue yet.

8.   The pump is fueled as the small floating plants called phytoplankton convert carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into oxygen and plant matter.

9.   These floating plants have heart-shaped leaves and clusters of fringed white or yellow flowers.

10.   They may be covered with floating plants or, if they are very shallow, sedges and grasses may dominate.

a. + plant >>共 744
nuclear 9.40%
new 8.26%
manufacturing 3.71%
processing 2.82%
chemical 2.15%
native 1.83%
industrial 1.27%
potted 1.24%
generating 1.22%
bottling 1.19%
floating 0.15%
floating + n. >>共 450
rate 6.68%
debris 2.97%
ice 2.41%
platform 1.86%
hotel 1.76%
casino 1.67%
museum 1.67%
plant 1.48%
voter 1.48%
point 1.48%
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