1.   As for Crockett, I was thrilled to find myself face to face with Black Betsy, the famous flintlock rifle he toted down from Tennessee.

2.   But the coonskin caps and the flintlock rifles are reserved for special occasions.

3.   Here in Ky Son, Hmong men carry hand-forged flintlock rifles into town.

4.   It can be a little dull, especially for children, until a docent dressed in animal skins emerges to demonstrate a flintlock rifle.

5.   It is a collection of Crockett artifacts including a flintlock rifle and pages of personal letters.

n. + rifle >>共 79
assault 83.47%
sniper 5.63%
kalashnikov 1.13%
deer 0.90%
army 0.45%
flintlock 0.38%
toy 0.38%
high-caliber 0.30%
recoiless 0.30%
sharpshooting 0.30%
flintlock + n. >>共 3
rifle 55.56%
pistol 33.33%
gun 11.11%
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