1.   But it has not found a chairman for the committee that rules on exceptions to the flight ban.

2.   European Union officials said that barring any sudden changes in Yugoslavia, the foreign ministers would probably lift an oil embargo and a flight ban immediately.

3.   Gadhafi himself has violated the flight ban on several occasions, but the United Nations has responded with little more than a scolding.

4.   Libya has seen its sanctions erode slightly over the last year, after the Organization of African Unity decided to ignore the flight ban for its heads of government.

5.   The flight ban created some tense time for organ procurement workers, who must act quickly to transport donated organs while they are still viable.

6.   The relaunch of the airline received a boost last week when the U.N. Security Council lifted an international flight ban against Ariana.

7.   The specific mission of most American troops in Saudi Arabia is to maintain the Western-imposed flight ban over southern Iraq.

8.   The sanctions include a toothless oil embargo and a flight ban, currently suspended.

9.   The United States had requested the flight ban on Afghanistan until the Taliban turned over the Saudi-born militant Osama bin Laden.

10.   To make matters worse, the government immediately imposed a flight ban on all but four airstrips in the region for most of February and March.

n. + ban >>共 426
travel 9.24%
government 5.30%
export 5.15%
two-year 5.15%
weapon 4.90%
lifetime 3.50%
flight 3.16%
assault 3.07%
four-year 2.82%
blanket 2.73%
flight + n. >>共 481
recorder 7.65%
crew 7.38%
school 5.71%
home 4.87%
plan 4.27%
delay 3.74%
controller 3.68%
schedule 3.51%
path 3.47%
simulator 2.43%
ban 2.13%
每页显示:    共 101