1.   And it would give those fleeing religious persecution priority over other types of refugees in gaining entry into the United States.

2.   And it would give those fleeing religious persecution priority over other refugees in gaining entry into the United States.

3.   A church member suggested that he call the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, which has attorneys who help people fleeing persecution apply for political asylum.

4.   Almost a half of those fleeing religious persecution in Chiapas are Evangelicals from San Juan Chamula.

5.   Most Cambodians came to the United States involuntarily, fleeing persecution or death from the Pol Pot regime.

6.   Most came to the United States fleeing political persecution in their home countries.

7.   New legislation narrowed guarantees of asylum only to those fleeing persecution who had valid identity documents and who had not traveled through any other country to reach Germany.

8.   The provision was aimed originally at people who arrived at ports of entry with fraudulent documents, notably asylum claimants who might not really be fleeing persecution.

9.   Thousands have made their way to western Europe, some fleeing persecution, others simply seeking a better life.

10.   At that time the Rennerts had been fleeing persecution for almost four years.

a. + persecution >>共 133
religious 27.21%
political 25.15%
nazi 9.85%
christian 2.94%
fleeing 2.65%
alleged 2.35%
widespread 1.62%
official 1.47%
ethnic 1.32%
systematic 1.18%
fleeing + n. >>共 184
refugee 8.97%
civilian 6.20%
rebel 4.57%
soldier 2.94%
persecution 2.94%
suspect 2.77%
famine 2.61%
resident 2.45%
fighter 2.28%
man 1.96%
每页显示:    共 18