1.   Hydrogen is a highly flammable gas.

2.   Ethylene is a colorless flammable gas.

3.   Special quartz lamps are used to kill the microbes inside the tents, and the flammable gases emitted by the lamps further fueled the fire.

4.   Still, Roberts said FBI officials were guilty of past lies about their use of the flammable gas.

5.   Such bombs are surrounded by canisters of flammable gas that intensify explosions.

6.   The tension is accumulating in the air like flammable gases in a closed room.

7.   A barge hit a bridge on the Intracoastal Waterway on Thursday, spewing a cloud of flammable gas and forcing hundreds of residents and workers to evacuate.

8.   A barge hit a bridge on the Intracoastal Waterway on Thursday, spewing flammable gas and forcing hundreds of residents and workers to evacuate.

9.   A highly flammable gas exploded Tuesday as workers were repairing a pipeline at a coke-producing plant, killing five workers.

10.   According to Hovensa, the fire was caused when a flammable gas was released during the production of gasoline.

a. + gas >>共 855
toxic 3.95%
cooking 3.27%
poisonous 3.15%
russian 2.79%
deadly 1.78%
higher 1.75%
hot 1.75%
new 1.45%
industrial 1.43%
high 1.31%
flammable 0.65%
flammable + n. >>共 83
liquid 36.90%
material 16.58%
gas 5.88%
substance 5.08%
chemical 4.55%
fuel 2.41%
hydrogen 1.60%
vapor 1.60%
cigarette 0.80%
clothing 0.80%
每页显示:    共 22