1.   Flagrant disregard for the evidence freely available in libraries at home and abroad was self-defeating.

2.   Poison gas was used, in flagrant disregard of the Geneva Convention.

3.   They operated in flagrant disregard of an emerging body consciousness among men, who, like women, look bulky in draped clothes and heavy fabrics.

4.   Many Spartan disciplinarians may welcome the harshness of her verdict, but many more will be disturbed by her flagrant disregard for the sentencing guidelines laid down by Parliament.

a. + disregard >>共 83
reckless 14.49%
total 6.28%
blatant 5.80%
complete 5.31%
callous 5.31%
rampant 2.90%
widespread 2.90%
cavalier 2.42%
apparent 2.42%
blithe 2.42%
flagrant 1.93%
flagrant + n. >>共 89
foul 52.93%
violation 7.38%
abuse 3.31%
case 2.80%
point 2.54%
violator 2.29%
breach 1.78%
example 1.02%
disregard 1.02%
call 1.02%
每页显示:    共 4