1.   But the supply must be carefully organized to fit the pattern of use.

2.   Even his resignation fitted that pattern.

3.   His behavior fits a pattern of violent acts.

4.   This announcement fit the pattern of the times, for a craze of digging for treasure afflicted the area.

5.   And church activists are even more likely to fit this pattern.

6.   Anna Christina Santana seems to fit that pattern.

7.   As unlikely as his victory seems, Thunder Gulch actually fit the pattern of recent Derby and Preakness winners, many of whom bounced back from disappointing races.

8.   At first glance, EDS does not seem to fit that pattern.

9.   Bacon said the report was given added credence because it fit the pattern of mass rapes by Yugoslav soldiers during the Bosnian conflict.

10.   BioChem fits the pattern of some other biotechnology companies acquired this year, like PathoGenesis, which was bought by Chiron.

v. + pattern >>共 471
follow 7.98%
change 4.28%
see 4.12%
fit 3.28%
repeat 3.12%
set 3.08%
show 2.87%
find 2.66%
continue 2.08%
break 2.08%
fit + n. >>共 733
bill 10.03%
description 6.59%
profile 5.50%
need 3.28%
pattern 3.08%
mold 2.38%
definition 2.07%
crime 1.91%
category 1.52%
criterion 1.33%
每页显示:    共 79