1.   Low inflation, competitive pressure and a continued focus on fiscal austerity depress projected raises, Hewitt says.

2.   An advocate of fiscal austerity, he spent his way deeply into personal debt.

3.   And they meet the needs of politicians who, in these days of fiscal austerity, do not dare propose high-cost measures.

4.   And, although President Fernando Henrique Cardoso has announced a tough fiscal austerity package, he may ease fiscal restrictions to win votes at the elections.

5.   At a time of fiscal austerity and widespread sacrifice, it is fair to impose some conditions on the homeless.

6.   A continent-wide consensus has emerged on the need for stable prices, fiscal austerity and open economies.

7.   Budget cutting and fiscal austerity measures adopted by European governments to qualify for the planned single currency have strengthened national economies, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl said.

8.   But he balks a bit at imposing fiscal austerity, which will throw hundreds of thousands out of work and may push the economy into recession.

9.   But the desire for fiscal austerity in the new, Republican-controlled Congress makes it unlikely such an expensive project can be funded, according to Dicks.

10.   But the mayor, who has made fiscal austerity a priority, has so far refused to afford the PBA special treatment in contract negotiations.

a. + austerity >>共 142
economic 18.88%
fiscal 14.16%
new 7.17%
tough 5.59%
unpopular 5.24%
further 3.15%
strict 2.45%
harsh 2.10%
drastic 1.75%
painful 1.57%
fiscal + n. >>共 600
policy 10.17%
deficit 5.49%
discipline 5.15%
conservative 4.06%
responsibility 3.25%
reform 3.04%
crisis 2.99%
stimulus 2.34%
austerity 2.11%
third-quarter 2.08%
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