1.   Have you been here before, or is this your first visit?

2.   POPE John Paul this weekend starts a trip that was once only the stuff of his dreams and prayers his first visit to the former Soviet Union.

3.   It will also be their first ever visit to the Festival.

4.   They are regularly invited abroad, but this will be their first ever visit to the UK, and they are coming exclusively to us.

5.   Ah, the first visit.

6.   Coop had already been there several times this spring, but it was the first visit of the season for Nelson and me.

7.   Preparations are under way for the visit next week of Abdala Bucaram, the first ever visit by an Ecuadorean president to Peru.

8.   Prime Minister Rafik Hariri will make his first ever visit to Tehran this spring, visiting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati said Wednesday.

9.   Earlier Wednesday, he met with Defense Secretary William Cohen in what officials said was the first visit by a North Korean military officer to the Pentagon.

10.   It will be the first ever visit by an Israeli leader to Qatar.

n. + visit >>共 877
official 6.80%
delegation 5.60%
team 3.30%
people 2.86%
president 2.55%
leader 2.45%
tourist 2.11%
pope 1.76%
group 1.74%
inspector 1.68%
first 0.42%
first + v. >>共 435
be 56.29%
come 3.67%
involve 1.55%
time 1.11%
have 0.93%
set 0.86%
visit 0.79%
take 0.79%
concern 0.75%
go 0.65%
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