1.   Also Friday, attorneys for the fired officers blamed poor training and supervision and accused Windham of portraying events in the worst light.

2.   The fired officers were already on probation, either because they were rookies or because they had already been cited for serious misconduct.

3.   The fired officers also are the subject of a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms investigation and could face criminal charges, ATF Special Agent B.J. Zapor said.

4.   Calls to lawyers for the police union, who represent the fired officers, were not immediately returned.

5.   Chan dismissed Singirok, but the fired officer appears to retain influence over the military.

6.   Chan dismissed Singirok, but the fired officer appeared to retain influence over the military.

7.   Fired CIA officer Edward Lee Howard says he never exposed any spies working for the United States but was blamed for betrayals now attributed to agency turncoat Aldrich Ames.

8.   Fired officer Jesus Aguero is the only officer charged with a role in all four shootings.

9.   Ponce said the fired officers would be banned from joining that force.

a. + officer >>共 587
military 12.15%
senior 7.98%
former 3.63%
the 3.55%
chief 2.26%
retired 1.74%
naval 1.59%
top 1.59%
israeli 1.57%
russian 1.51%
fired 0.06%
fired + n. >>共 117
employee 11.61%
worker 11.05%
coach 8.50%
shot 5.38%
rocket 5.10%
manager 4.82%
officer 2.55%
executive 1.98%
head 1.98%
mortar 1.42%
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