1.   In any event there is a finite number of overfed rich providing a flow of plates to be scraped.

2.   The earth has a finite number of resources which we must protect.

3.   There appears to be only a finite number of such theories.

4.   What is needed is some basis for estimating the functional from a finite number of experimental results.

5.   Each partition contains space for a finite number of items which are added and deleted in a pre-defined order.

6.   An entertaining premiere, yes, but there may be a finite number of laughs to be had over those wacky hippies and the cold-hearted WASPs.

7.   At present, a growing number of projects are chasing a finite number of buyers -- in Asia, mostly South Korean and Japanese buyers, analysts said.

8.   But adult stem cells can divide only a finite number of times and in older or diseased patients may have a limited lifetime left.

9.   But if you are into numbers, ClickArt Infinity is actually a finite number.

a. + number >>共 430
large 15.21%
growing 8.43%
small 5.19%
increasing 4.65%
record 2.28%
limited 2.08%
total 1.89%
exact 1.89%
unknown 1.88%
unspecified 1.77%
finite 0.09%
finite + n. >>共 71
number 15.82%
resource 9.60%
amount 7.91%
element 5.08%
time 3.95%
set 3.39%
grammar 2.26%
wisdom 2.26%
space 2.26%
verb 2.26%
每页显示:    共 28