1.   At the next table sit two fine specimens of Mancunian youth.

2.   The reliquary was a fine specimen of that type of art and of very good quality and in fine condition.

3.   There is a fine specimen of this noble tree - the tallest in Britain - at Stourhead in Wiltshire.

4.   There were nine in ... some of which are fine specimens of their order.

5.   A novice might be interested in close examination of a fine specimen of Rhus radicans but probably would keep a safe distance if told it was poison ivy.

6.   Dayton included a fine constitutional specimen, complete with rotating presidencies, constitutional courts and arbitral tribunals.

7.   Smith called the house a fine specimen of the mid-century ranch style.

8.   The viewer goes to this show expecting to confront a county sheriff and indeed finds a fine specimen, in boots and hat.

9.   Then my friend explained how he succeeded in bagging this fine specimen of masculine moosehood.

10.   There also are some fine specimens in northern Ontario, according to Dort.

a. + specimen >>共 290
physical 5.21%
new 2.87%
surgical 2.15%
fine 2.15%
perfect 2.15%
small 1.80%
rare 1.62%
single 1.26%
prime 1.26%
large 1.26%
fine + n. >>共 1645
line 6.41%
wine 2.87%
point 2.04%
job 1.97%
performance 1.36%
sieve 1.25%
restaurant 1.16%
form 1.16%
example 1.09%
detail 0.96%
specimen 0.17%
每页显示:    共 12