1.   The findings show a high level of alcohol abuse among teenagers.

2.   Preliminary findings show that the drug could help patients with skin cancer.

3.   Recent findings have shown the importance of phospholipids in biliary pathophysiology.

4.   These findings show the importance of phospholipid species in biliary pathophysiology and may be useful when trying to manipulate cholesterol carriers and solubility in bile.

5.   These findings show that gastrin, under certain circumstances, may stimulate growth and function of the exocrine pancreas.

6.   The findings show that EATCL may behave in an indolent fashion and masquerade as coeliac disease, delaying the correct diagnosis.

7.   In conclusion, our findings show that low grade, gastric MALT lymphoma can always be diagnosed on the basis of both fixed and fresh endoscopic biopsy specimens.

8.   Recent findings show that, in addition to these well known tertiary contractions, several other types of non-deglutitive motor activity exist, even in healthy subjects.

n. + show >>共 854
poll 8.82%
study 6.33%
report 3.69%
survey 3.26%
test 2.46%
television 2.44%
record 2.43%
figure 2.26%
research 2.03%
result 1.61%
finding 0.26%
finding + v. >>共 359
be 27.39%
suggest 6.78%
have 3.46%
show 3.11%
indicate 3.00%
come 2.86%
help 2.82%
lead 2.65%
mean 1.87%
appear 1.80%
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