1.   If Simpson is found liable, the jury would then hear arguments on what compensation to award.

2.   It was a remarkable contrast from last Tuesday night, when the same jury found Simpson liable for the slayings.

3.   Had the defendant been found not liable in Baker, the plaintiff would still have remained uncompensated for his original injuries.

4.   On the facts, the defendant was found not liable, as he had conformed with a practice which was approved by a responsible body of medical opinion.

5.   Defendants were found not liable in trespass.

6.   And the preschool could be found liable if there was a collision and children were injured because school policy prevented them from being secured properly.

7.   As the scandal unfolded, both companies found themselves liable for huge sums of money as a result of their transactions with the Frankel empire.

8.   Baker also criticized the press, which he portrayed as wanting Simpson to be found liable to keep sensational stories going.

9.   ABC was never found liable for fraud and trespass in the case.

10.   But even if Simpson is found liable in the civil trial, it appeared unlikely they would achieve more success.

v. + liable >>共 9
hold 61.92%
find 26.94%
make 8.55%
consider 0.78%
render 0.78%
deem 0.26%
found 0.26%
keep 0.26%
leave 0.26%
find + a. >>共 665
guilty 23.28%
difficult 8.58%
dead 8.34%
hard 6.60%
alive 2.17%
easier 1.93%
innocent 1.55%
easy 1.19%
impossible 1.17%
responsible 1.04%
liable 0.74%
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