1.   Darlington MP, Conservative Michael Fallon, said he would be pressing the Government for a change in the current financing system.

2.   And through a financing system known as experience rating, employers who lay off workers more frequently pay somewhat more into the program.

3.   -- Overhaul the education financing system so that local school districts can have far more say over how they use state money.

4.   But a clean and healthy campaign financing system is on the line.

5.   But many states do not have any public hospitals or any public financing system in place.

6.   Even Florio, the author of the financing system the court Tuesday ruled unconstitutional, took heart.

7.   He asked the court to order Congress to create a public financing system that would redress inequities between incumbents and challengers.

8.   He should be heeded when he tells the people responsible for the US campaign financing system that they have built a contraption ideally suited for auctioning political influence.

9.   However, true reform will also require revamping the Medicare financing system.

10.   It is the right of all Americans to a campaign financing system that respects the democratic process.

a. + system >>共 925
new 7.36%
banking 3.04%
financial 3.02%
current 3.01%
political 2.87%
legal 2.87%
judicial 1.85%
such 1.39%
old 1.33%
sound 1.13%
financing 0.07%
financing + n. >>共 321
plan 7.01%
cost 5.56%
package 4.65%
arrangement 4.17%
deal 2.85%
problem 2.57%
source 2.15%
agreement 1.94%
company 1.88%
system 1.74%
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