1.   Financial reward is the primary reason most people work.

2.   It was filthy work, but full of atavistic excitement and the promise of financial reward.

3.   King James offered financial rewards to persuade people to plant mulberries to feed his imported silkworms.

4.   Originally, Nobel thought that the financial reward accompanying the Prize would make the winner independent.

5.   Prizes will be in the form of gifts or vouchers - there will not be any direct financial rewards.

6.   Proper financial reward should go to those who undertake this important task.

7.   The high financial rewards provide a significant incentive.

8.   The hopes of financial reward turn to fear of disaster.

9.   Winning the title brings huge financial rewards.

10.   Yet for many employment offers social satisfaction as great or greater than the financial reward.

a. + reward >>共 329
financial 15.46%
potential 4.57%
great 2.52%
rich 2.52%
big 2.52%
just 2.05%
material 2.05%
monetary 1.89%
economic 1.74%
huge 1.66%
financial + n. >>共 564
market 8.71%
institution 6.54%
service 4.92%
crisis 3.98%
aid 2.63%
support 2.14%
system 2.03%
problem 1.91%
assistance 1.38%
adviser 1.25%
reward 0.38%
每页显示:    共 195