1.   Barnhart will fill a vacancy on the Planning Commission.

2.   Blundell has filled the vacancy which had been earmarked for first-choice newcomer Damon Hill.

3.   Clinton filled two vacancies on the high court in his first term.

4.   In fact, many teachers have left private preschool jobs to help fill the vacancies in primary-grade classrooms.

5.   Initial nominations and appointments are listed below and members are invited to make further nominations to fill vacancies where indicated.

6.   No wonder, then, that so many candidates are competing to fill the vacancy in DeKalb.

7.   Skilled workers are few, and employers are having trouble filling vacancies.

8.   The council is making every effort to fill the vacancies.

v. + vacancy >>共 40
fill 63.61%
have 12.72%
coach 6.62%
create 2.29%
leave 1.53%
advertise 1.27%
discuss 1.27%
find 1.27%
announce 0.76%
sell 0.51%
fill + n. >>共 700
gap 4.70%
void 4.30%
air 3.94%
room 2.46%
seat 2.32%
vacancy 2.17%
role 2.11%
street 2.11%
position 2.04%
hole 2.02%
每页显示:    共 249