1.   The pond, headers and add-on filters were filled using the hosepipe.

2.   His company, he said, was having success filling seats using discounts.

3.   The molds are best filled using a pastry bag with a small round tip.

4.   On remote rural roads, children form bucket brigades to carry water up from streams to fill water guns used to target the occasional passing car.

v. + use >>共 672
make 4.49%
be 4.10%
put 2.52%
opt 2.37%
do 2.27%
create 2.07%
produce 1.58%
calculate 1.48%
develop 1.43%
build 1.38%
fill 0.20%
fill + v. >>共 40
be 10.17%
leave 10.17%
use 6.78%
base 5.08%
make 5.08%
accord 3.39%
help 3.39%
carry 1.69%
choke 1.69%
church 1.69%
每页显示:    共 4