1.   So far this year, it has filed two motions for injunctions against a planned federal inquest on sects and cults.

2.   The attorneys filed a motion for a temporary restraining order.

3.   The law requires courts to hold up most discovery proceedings until companies can file a motion to dismiss a suit.

4.   His lawyer filed a motion for a mistrial.

5.   Almost immediately, Microsoft filed a motion asking Jackson to stay the entire order, pending appeal.

6.   Also Thursday, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a motion demanding that Ito immediately release the Fuhrman tapes and transcripts to the public.

7.   Also yesterday, Bank of America filed a motion for a protective order.

8.   Also Monday, the government filed a motion asking for two more weeks to produce its list of expert witnesses.

9.   Also, Caddell filed a motion asking the court to make government agencies state for the record whether any of their employees fired shots at Mount Carmel.

10.   Also, he noted that District Attorney Gil Garcetti has told reporters that the defense is filing frivolous motions to keep prosecutors busy.

v. + motion >>共 306
file 21.23%
reject 5.13%
deny 4.40%
pass 3.84%
support 3.62%
make 3.54%
submit 2.29%
grant 1.98%
approve 1.94%
debate 1.86%
file + n. >>共 230
charge 16.32%
lawsuit 15.33%
suit 14.70%
complaint 9.95%
appeal 4.08%
motion 3.15%
report 2.99%
claim 2.73%
petition 2.16%
paper 1.88%
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