1.   It is reminiscent of the Swiss church of Zillis, showing circles filled with figure compositions depicting biblical scenes.

2.   Inside, it is on three-aisled, rectangular plan with Medieval vaulting and walls painted all over in figure compositions.

3.   Subjects included figure compositions or landscapes with architectural features introduced.

n. + composition >>共 89
music 10.19%
phospholipid 9.55%
freshman 5.10%
body 5.10%
lipid 5.10%
figure 2.55%
dance 2.55%
group 1.91%
jury 1.91%
soil 1.91%
figure + n. >>共 200
show 23.26%
flaw 2.67%
skate 1.87%
growth 1.60%
painting 1.60%
legend 1.34%
inflation 1.34%
study 1.34%
drawing 1.07%
composition 1.07%
每页显示:    共 4