1.   I find myself fighting back tears as I thank them for coming.

2.   I quickly left the room, fighting back tears of rage and frustration.

3.   At times fighting back tears, Chavez also told about violent incidents during her seven-year relationship with Waters, some involving deadly weapons.

4.   But on Tuesday, as he spoke about his brother, Tito, who died on the flight, he kept angrily fighting back tears.

5.   Fighting back tears, Ahn handed over several rings and a small gold turtle that her children gave her on her sixtieth birthday.

6.   Fighting back tears, Williams said that the Viper case was the most frustrating she had ever worked on.

7.   Fighting back tears, Bowman gave police their first detailed account of the alleged preparations for a horrendous plot.

8.   Grieving members of the Weimar United Church of Christ, fighting back tears, stooped under a hot sun and planted rows of bright flowers in the church courtyard.

9.   Gramm fighting back tears during his speech Tuesday in Washington.

10.   He tried to return, he said, rubbing his sore legs and fighting back tears, because he wanted money to open a butcher shop.

a. + tear >>共 249
away 18.32%
back 16.27%
partial 8.09%
slight 3.17%
fighting 2.56%
small 2.46%
fought 2.05%
real 2.05%
hot 1.43%
complete 1.13%
fighting + n. >>共 379
force 11.25%
spirit 8.60%
vehicle 2.94%
spread 2.08%
terrorism 2.08%
tear 1.79%
crime 1.72%
word 1.72%
man 1.72%
drug 1.50%
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