1.   Government officials denied that the men were civilians, saying that in a guerrilla war fighters often hide in regular clothes.

2.   Soldiers who fought here said that on at least two instances fighters hid themselves in groups of civilians and then attacked.

3.   The Americans could easily home in on the signal and tell the Philippine army just where in the jungle Abu Sayyaf fighters are hiding.

4.   The Israelis complain that Hezbollah fighters hide in the villages, emerging to commit terrorist acts or light the fuses on rockets, then return to civilian areas.

5.   This is where militant fighters hide, Israel contends, using the civilians who live here as shields and camouflage.

6.   Rebel fighters hiding in irrigation canals poured mortar fire on soldiers advancing across rice fields, said Major Tilak Dunuwille, a military spokesman.

7.   Armed Chechen fighters hide in some villages.

8.   As the refugees streamed past, small groups of uniformed KLA fighters were hiding in the bushes.

9.   But enemy fighters are hiding in other parts of the country.

10.   But Uzbek Foreign Ministry denied reports that Tajik rebel fighters had been hiding on Uzbek territory, Interfax said.

n. + hide >>共 613
man 3.67%
rebel 2.90%
people 2.68%
family 2.33%
company 1.69%
fighter 1.62%
militant 1.62%
virus 1.20%
official 1.20%
suspect 1.20%
fighter + v. >>共 705
be 13.23%
say 4.33%
attack 2.30%
have 2.01%
take 1.94%
try 1.52%
fire 1.23%
use 1.19%
kill 1.06%
go 0.97%
hide 0.56%
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