1.   Both men fought to create the review board only to become among its most vocal critics.

2.   Dan Evans in Washington and Tom McCall in Oregon fought to create a Hells Canyon National Recreation Area on the Snake River.

3.   The fighters said they had fought to create a more Western, democratic state, free from Albanian influence and control.

4.   The festival is an announcement to the world that Mongolia has declared its independence and is fighting to create a democracy.

5.   The Motion Picture Association of America, which is fighting legislation to create a commission on youth violence, needs its eyes pried open as well.

6.   When the neighbors were fighting to create a historic district, developers tried to tear down Brown High School.

7.   Police blamed the killings on the United Liberation Front of Assam, an underground organization that is fighting to create a separate state for Assamese-speaking people.

8.   Rebels are fighting to create a homeland for the minority Tamils, who, they say, are discriminated against by the majority Sinhalese community.

9.   He said Britain was seeking a lasting cease-fire in the Israeli-Palestinian fighting to create a base of calm for serious peace negotiations.

10.   In both cases, Europeans fought to create a state in Arab lands.

v. + create >>共 293
use 22.77%
work 8.92%
combine 7.44%
fight 3.32%
do 3.09%
merge 2.29%
be 1.83%
spend 1.14%
say 1.03%
remove 0.92%
fight + v. >>共 419
keep 10.25%
get 3.72%
oust 3.07%
save 2.84%
end 2.65%
overthrow 2.38%
stay 2.23%
preserve 2.15%
maintain 1.84%
have 1.80%
create 1.11%
每页显示:    共 29