1.   Ellen is going into fifth grade next year.

2.   Teaching literature to the fifth grade is no joke!

3.   The fifth grade will perform their annual play this week.

4.   Also, there was the memory of a really wonderful time in my childhood, about fifth grade, about kids and bikes, going up tree forts.

5.   And it makes homework a lot more fun than it was in fifth grade.

6.   And Jacklyn Spaeth, also in fifth grade, complained in her journal that students who are caught during tag pretend to be still free.

7.   And in the fifth grade, we reviewed what we learned in the fourth grade.

8.   And Pop Warner started in about fifth grade.

9.   And, while he was sad to leave fifth grade, he sure was looking forward to the challenge of September.

10.   Andrew feared early retirement coming out of fifth grade.

a. + grade >>共 302
eighth 8.48%
third 7.38%
first 6.42%
sixth 6.34%
good 5.61%
fifth 5.27%
fourth 5.06%
seventh 4.98%
ninth 4.31%
second 3.96%
fifth + n. >>共 503
inning 7.67%
time 6.14%
game 5.22%
day 5.01%
place 4.35%
round 3.23%
year 2.94%
grade 1.77%
title 1.76%
save 1.72%
每页显示:    共 181