1.   But the retail revival will continue only for those companies that can deal with unprecedentedly fierce competition.

2.   The first two impressions of the report sell out before publication, and there is fierce competition for the paperback rights.

3.   The rivalry promoted between large companies has its reflection in fierce competition between small suppliers for orders from parent companies.

4.   There is fierce competition for places on the Olympic team.

5.   There was fierce competition for the scarce resources.

6.   Because of fierce competition, the price of computers keeps going down, while their quality keeps going up.

7.   After university, she pressed on with her ambition to become a journalist, despite fierce competition for jobs.

8.   There is fierce competition between the three leading soap manufacturers.

9.   The team overcame fierce competition for their place in the finals.

10.   Wimpol, the newest member of the Division, although trading profitably also suffered fierce competition in its traditional markets of the North Sea and Gulf of Mexico.

a. + competition >>共 593
international 5.93%
increased 5.73%
stiff 3.84%
foreign 3.69%
fierce 3.44%
intense 3.16%
new 2.41%
increasing 2.28%
european 2.08%
global 2.08%
fierce + n. >>共 679
competition 9.19%
battle 7.75%
opposition 4.52%
resistance 3.66%
debate 3.52%
wind 2.42%
criticism 2.30%
competitor 2.20%
clash 1.94%
attack 1.63%
每页显示:    共 382