1.   It then fields e-mail queries, forwarding each message to the worker most likely to know the answer.

2.   McCain fielded queries on the use of U.S. forces overseas, Veterans Administration health care and tort reform.

3.   Nigel Pritchard, a spokesman for CNN International, fielded queries from several nations.

4.   Now, Drown says, he fields queries daily from funeral directors asking how to get into it.

5.   Questions from computer users were screened, and Clinton did not have to field tough queries about Monica Lewinsky.

6.   So far Calvo has fielded queries on everything from diabetes and melatonin to the calorie count of matzo ball soup.

7.   Steven Y. Gold, a vice president at KPMG Consulting, said he was fielding more queries from companies that want help licensing out their cost-cutting tools.

8.   The FCC has fielded enough queries about the legality of cell phone jammers that it issued a notice last year.

9.   She and Mrs. Yeltsin also fielded queries about their personal lives, including a question about how well they work with their husbands, especially at home.

10.   The president took no questions, letting Deputy President Thabo Mbeki and other Cabinet ministers fielding media queries.

v. + query >>共 89
answer 20.00%
refer 12.28%
have 8.42%
field 3.86%
handle 3.51%
post 3.16%
receive 3.16%
send 2.81%
direct 2.46%
make 2.46%
field + n. >>共 255
question 17.78%
candidate 11.81%
ball 11.81%
team 7.53%
call 7.07%
grounder 3.57%
offer 1.75%
player 1.69%
complaint 1.62%
inquiry 1.49%
query 0.71%
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