1.   Ancient literature uses fictional characters to illustrate moral dilemmas.

2.   Does the writer address the reader directly, or through the words or thoughts of some fictional character?

3.   Each group is named after a fictional character like Mickey Mouse.

4.   Though a fictional character, Cu Chulainn came to stand for a very real sense of patriotic courage and self-sacrifice.

5.   You can dress up either as a fictional character or a real person.very real?

6.   It is drama featuring fictional characters.

7.   Just like the fictional character, he makes unpredictable and bewildering behaviour switches from charm to rage in a matter of minutes.

8.   As every mystery watcher or thriller addict knows, the camera has ways of signaling to us which fictional characters are doomed.

9.   As her fictional characters suggest, these migrants lived with contradictory memories of the South.

a. + character >>共 1707
main 5.22%
central 2.30%
female 1.78%
the 1.76%
fictional 1.72%
new 1.48%
chinese 1.42%
different 1.33%
lead 1.29%
strong 1.19%
fictional + n. >>共 354
character 15.41%
story 2.79%
world 2.52%
account 2.26%
town 1.86%
creation 1.33%
name 1.20%
one 1.20%
life 0.93%
adventure 0.93%
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