1.   At later stages a thick crayon and a large felt tip suited particular areas of Marking.

2.   Get the notes typewritten using a new ribbon, or copy them out in black felt tip pen in large capital letters.

3.   Mark out brick lines with a felt tip pen.

4.   She presses harder on the felt tip.

5.   The selected area of a faced sample or hand specimen must be Marked with water insoluble felt tip pen before cutting.

6.   The shock of the new is techno-brutalism and the medium is the felt tip.

7.   If I see you stab him with a felt tip.

8.   The felt tips are too far away.

9.   I mean, you know there not going to go round with a felt tip pen.

10.   Right, have you got anything in that felt tip Charlotte?

a. + tip >>共 509
southern 12.51%
northern 8.63%
anonymous 5.93%
opening 4.36%
stock 2.50%
eastern 2.11%
good 1.81%
useful 1.52%
southernmost 1.47%
helpful 1.42%
felt 0.78%
felt + n. >>共 137
hat 12.60%
pen 6.69%
tip 6.30%
knowledge 2.36%
need 1.97%
table 1.97%
fine 1.57%
pain 1.57%
blanket 1.18%
banner 1.18%
每页显示:    共 16