1.   To tell the truth, I didn't feel good at beginning.

2.   I felt not good at night when he ate lots of food.

3.   My diving made me feel good at myself when my peers made me feel stupid.

4.   By this way, you can build up your body and take in fresh air to feel good at the start of every day.

5.   So, chances are that some employees may lose interest in the course and feel downcast, compared with those who feel good at the course.

6.   But since then, I couldn't feel good at any time.

v. + good + at >>共 11
be 98.83%
become 0.38%
make 0.30%
feel 0.15%
get 0.13%
keep 0.08%
find 0.03%
seem 0.03%
smell 0.03%
take 0.03%
feel + good + p. >>共 15
about 64.75%
in 10.79%
at 4.32%
to 4.32%
for 2.88%
with 2.88%
among 2.16%
after 1.44%
as 1.44%
of 1.44%
每页显示:    共 6