1.   After losing much of his spring training to an illness and a terrifying beaning by Randy Johnson, Snow is only beginning to feel good at the plate.

2.   But Basement Jaxx knows how to be weird and feel good at the same time.

3.   He was feeling good at that point, so why not just drop the hammer?

4.   I felt good at the beginning and then I went down again.

5.   I thought, if I was going to do something I might as well do something I can feel good about at the end of the day.

6.   I feel good at home plate.

7.   I feel good at the plate.

8.   I felt real good at the plate.

9.   It may not be the easiest way to feel good at the movies, but boy, is that ever entertainment.

10.   Learning amounts to just one great experiential stir-fry, all ingredients mixed up together and selections made according to taste and whatever feels good at the moment.

v. + good + at >>共 11
be 90.02%
get 2.76%
become 2.23%
look 1.87%
feel 1.43%
sound 0.80%
make 0.27%
seem 0.27%
prove 0.18%
find 0.09%
feel + good + p. >>共 24
about 82.53%
for 3.04%
in 2.91%
at 2.03%
after 1.90%
on 1.39%
to 1.14%
with 0.89%
as 0.51%
by 0.51%
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