1.   Advisers in feedback sessions made few references to the self-appraisal and mostly reported on their own visits.

2.   In the main, the report consisted of what advisers had already presented orally in feedback sessions, in some cases briefer and without any reference to actual individuals.

3.   And at least once a month, the supervisors meet with each worker for a feedback session, reviewing monitored calls and discussing how to do better.

4.   Rather, they should clearly express their interest, particularly during feedback sessions, and then let their performance demonstrate that they are ready.

5.   She may promise to try to control the tears, but she will more than likely be able to do so only until the next feedback session.

n. + session >>共 665
morning 11.37%
practice 10.52%
court 4.95%
parliament 3.14%
strategy 2.85%
photo 2.81%
therapy 1.68%
marathon 1.60%
two-day 1.39%
interview 1.39%
feedback 0.10%
feedback + n. >>共 42
loop 26.52%
mechanism 14.39%
effect 7.58%
system 7.58%
session 3.79%
control 2.27%
exercise 2.27%
technology 2.27%
forum 1.52%
influence 1.52%
每页显示:    共 5