1.   A specialist Market in traditional treats will run alongside the great new industries that will feed the population.

2.   The food crisis was not the result of any incapacity by the Soviet Union to grow enough food to feed its population.

3.   As in other coastal areas, these rich stores of nutrients feed algal populations which explode during the summer, producing oxygen, as all plants do.

4.   Because of that warmth, Europe can feed its population.

5.   Could its population be fed every day in anything more than the most perfunctory way?

6.   Environmentalists say it is unlikely that the land will ever produce enough food to feed the population.

7.   Opposition in richer countries to genetically modified crops may set back the ability of the poorest nations to feed growing populations, according to a new U.N. survey.

8.   Turkey was struggling to remain neutral in the war and feed its population and did not want to provide sanctuary for more people.

9.   Freetown, still reeling from the violent ouster of a military junta in recent days, is struggling to feed its population.

v. + population >>共 422
have 6.54%
control 3.19%
reduce 2.49%
protect 2.26%
lose 2.26%
increase 2.10%
affect 1.56%
keep 1.56%
feed 1.56%
terrorize 1.48%
feed + n. >>共 955
family 4.71%
child 3.04%
people 2.62%
information 1.90%
animal 1.61%
hungry 1.33%
baby 1.30%
bird 1.23%
datum 1.20%
ball 1.14%
population 0.63%
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