1.   Have you fed the cat?

2.   I got up and went about my chores, feeding the cats and making tea.

3.   It was getting more and more difficult to feed the cat - and to feed himself.

4.   My sister feeds the cats when we are away.

5.   Now recliners do everything but feed the cat.

6.   She ought to feed the cat - and then there was the washing.

7.   The next time you feed your cat, take a close look at its eyes.

8.   When Rena was out of town, Miles stopped by to feed her cats.

9.   They were destined to feed his cat.

v. + cat >>共 323
have 5.50%
kill 4.07%
feed 3.59%
keep 2.63%
take 2.51%
see 2.39%
name 2.15%
put 1.91%
like 1.91%
love 1.79%
feed + n. >>共 955
family 4.71%
child 3.04%
people 2.62%
information 1.90%
animal 1.61%
hungry 1.33%
baby 1.30%
bird 1.23%
datum 1.20%
ball 1.14%
cat 0.95%
每页显示:    共 30