1.   Although Bush said he would leave the day-to-day operations of schools to local communities, his plan includes a series of federal requirements on states and local districts.

2.   Among other things, those criteria require that a regulation go beyond federal requirements and be opposed by the businesses involved.

3.   An unfunded mandate usually refers to a federal requirement imposed on state or city governments but not paid for by the federal government.

4.   Another by Kyl would have allowed governors to waive the federal requirements if the cost of energy spiked as a result.

5.   Balanced-budget bills working their way through both chambers on Capitol Hill contain measures to change federal requirements for state Medicaid rate-setting.

6.   Because the federal government is footing the bill for extended benefits, jobless people must meet federal requirements to get them.

7.   Boss said, for example, that companies use measures that provide greater safety than federal requirements in areas like pipeline toughness and damage prevention.

8.   Bliley noted that Clinton, as governor of Arkansas, had often complained of costly federal Medicaid requirements.

9.   A cottage industry in closed captioning is burgeoning within the entertainment world, fueled by new federal requirements mandating the devices in most televisions sold in the United States.

10.   Accordingly, they are not the kinds of requirements that Congress and the FDA feared would impede the ability of federal regulators to implement and enforce specific federal requirements.

a. + requirement >>共 700
new 6.74%
legal 5.02%
reporting 4.05%
minimum 3.52%
federal 2.98%
stringent 1.80%
such 1.74%
licensing 1.72%
strict 1.69%
specific 1.64%
federal + n. >>共 476
government 12.23%
court 6.49%
law 5.88%
judge 4.00%
official 3.74%
agency 3.06%
prosecutor 3.01%
budget 2.47%
agent 2.16%
authority 2.12%
requirement 0.17%
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