1.   Any individual who commits genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity from that day on should fear prosecution.

2.   But lawyers say the law would actually discourage some people, who would fear prosecution.

3.   Even so, many doctors will not prescribe such high doses, fearing prosecution.

4.   Fearing criminal prosecution on charges of theft from the California Monthly, Personals will henceforth forward Twisted Title nominations to that UC alumni magazine.

5.   The lower federal courts are in sharp disagreement over whether the Fifth Amendment protects those who fear prosecution on foreign soil.

6.   The major testified under a grant of immunity from Army prosecutors, and it was not made clear why she had reason to fear prosecution.

7.   The physicians feared criminal prosecution under existing state criminal statutes, which considered helping someone kill himself to be manslaughter.

8.   The U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether someone can invoke a constitutional right against self-incrimination when they fear prosecution in another country, and not the U.S.

9.   They also feared criminal prosecution for worthless check charges.

10.   But newspaper reports Wednesday said Abbas reneged on the deal to return to Brazil, fearing prosecution.

v. + prosecution >>共 286
face 19.88%
avoid 7.91%
escape 4.26%
allow 2.89%
accuse 2.41%
bring 1.86%
recommend 1.86%
seek 1.58%
hinder 1.51%
pursue 1.44%
fear 1.24%
fear + n. >>共 1072
reprisal 5.53%
attack 4.56%
violence 4.51%
worst 4.51%
retaliation 3.31%
loss 2.87%
retribution 2.58%
dead 1.96%
backlash 1.56%
arrest 1.39%
prosecution 0.37%
每页显示:    共 18