1.   Where does the fault lie that produces that outrage?

2.   Along the fault lines lie plenty of unanswered questions and potential pitfalls.

3.   Does the fault lie, not in our stars, dear Brutus, but in the theory of French painter Georges Braque?

4.   Part of the fault lies with the Democrats who ran the state for a century, some sources say.

5.   The fault lies fairly and squarely within the realms of our own lack of fiscal discipline.

6.   Lavagna also said not all the fault lies with Argentina.

n. + lie >>共 312
problem 4.20%
answer 2.80%
blame 2.10%
fault 1.40%
reason 1.40%
challenge 1.17%
sidehill 1.17%
success 1.17%
decision 0.93%
difficulty 0.93%
fault + n. >>共 49
line 73.61%
zone 3.89%
interrupter 2.22%
system 2.22%
lie 1.67%
diagnosis 1.11%
scarp 1.11%
outlet 0.83%
call 0.56%
fall 0.56%
每页显示:    共 6