1.   Or the fat is dripping onto the coals and causing flare-ups.

2.   Strain out the gizzards, livers, onion and garlic and allow the cooking fat to drip off.

3.   The fat drips into it and stays there.

4.   When fat drips down on an open flame, it sends up a column of carcinogenic smoke.

5.   You want them to cook slowly, allowing the fat to drip off at an even pace and giving the skin time to crisp.

n. + drip >>共 150
water 15.96%
blood 6.84%
sweat 4.56%
rain 3.91%
oil 3.26%
wax 2.28%
fat 1.63%
faucet 1.63%
chemical 1.30%
excess 1.30%
fat + v. >>共 128
be 30.10%
help 2.42%
melt 2.42%
tend 2.42%
drip 1.73%
make 1.73%
have 1.73%
rise 1.73%
begin 1.38%
go 1.38%
每页显示:    共 5