1.   And with cable modems as well as high-speed services from some telephone companies, those faster connections are becoming available in a growing number of households.

2.   As more people connect to the Internet, with faster connections, the information released on it takes on ever-greater momentum and scale.

3.   Be sure to check with your Internet service provider to make sure that it can handle the faster connection.

4.   Both cable and DSL promise much faster connections to consumers, without tying up conventional phone lines.

5.   Broadband provides faster connections to the Internet and can transmit greater amounts of data than can traditional dial-up Internet access.

6.   But the inherent demand for higher quality sound and pictures is also driving Internet users to seek faster Internet connections, like digital subscriber lines or cable modems.

7.   But, for those of us who are middle-classed when it comes to technology, a faster connection means a faster modem.

8.   Compaq Computer Corp., Intel Corp. and Microsoft Corp. are trying to push a new standard for faster Internet connections over regular phone lines.

9.   Each walked away with licenses to use frequencies in what is called the D band to provide improved roaming and faster Internet connections than existing services.

10.   Experts say graphics will come eventually, as phone companies develop faster connections and update the standards Web sites use to tailor their sites for mobile users.

a. + connection >>共 900
high-speed 5.75%
political 4.81%
direct 3.93%
family 2.74%
personal 2.71%
possible 2.42%
strong 1.94%
close 1.62%
emotional 1.39%
wireless 1.34%
faster 0.90%
faster + n. >>共 699
pace 8.00%
growth 7.59%
rate 6.98%
inflation 3.49%
speed 2.05%
access 1.82%
time 1.52%
processor 1.40%
connection 1.37%
chip 1.33%
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