1.   I had some experience in fashion design.

2.   New fashion designs have to be sold off at a loss if sales are poor.

3.   I started doing fashion design at the Ryman School, a famous school in Berlin which had emigrated here.

4.   And she let everyone in on her current plans, like learning Portuguese and plundering in fashion design.

5.   After drifting from fashion design to illustrating to working in a record store, he channeled his love for pop music into a semi-profession.

6.   But math was not his forte, so he switched to managerial science and art history before sneaking in a semester at Parsons to explore fashion design.

7.   Call Mark Badgley and James Mischka the James Camerons of fashion design.

8.   Commercials starring Williams, who is studying fashion design, will emphasize her infatuation with the subject.

9.   Further inspired, she studied art, believing fashion design was the best match for her talent.

10.   He had studied fashion design in Guangzhou University in the capital of Guangdong province, but took up the charcoal pencil to put food on his table.

n. + design >>共 794
product 3.73%
production 2.23%
fashion 2.18%
ballot 2.03%
chip 1.89%
computer 1.74%
furniture 1.60%
car 1.60%
landscape 1.45%
aircraft 1.21%
fashion + n. >>共 908
show 9.30%
magazine 4.46%
statement 4.02%
industry 3.89%
world 3.89%
house 3.48%
model 2.83%
editor 2.54%
trend 2.02%
company 1.41%
design 0.98%
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