1.   It has a very long neck like a duck, and the front of the body sometimes has a faint purple tinge.

2.   That faint reddish tinge in his fair hair - did you notice that?

3.   That faint reddish tinge in his fair hair -- did you notice that?

4.   Weber said new glass will be installed in the huge frame, replacing glass that has a faint green tinge.

a. + tinge >>共 87
reddish 4.58%
bluish 3.82%
faint 3.05%
green 3.05%
blue 3.05%
political 3.05%
racial 3.05%
slightest 3.05%
american 2.29%
bittersweet 2.29%
faint + n. >>共 296
hope 6.55%
smile 5.76%
praise 4.18%
sound 3.28%
smell 3.28%
glow 2.60%
sign 2.49%
signal 1.92%
light 1.69%
voice 1.69%
tinge 0.45%
每页显示:    共 4