1.   Any episodes of failed peristalsis were excluded from further analysis of the peristaltic wave characteristics.

2.   The McNemar test was used to compare the incidence of failed peristalsis in patients before and after healing of oesophagitis.

3.   Failed peristalsis was commonly encountered in patients as well as controls.

a. + peristalsis >>共 6
impaired 50.00%
failed 18.18%
normal 18.18%
ineffective 4.55%
initial 4.55%
natural 4.55%
failed + n. >>共 666
attempt 10.68%
coup 6.17%
bid 3.43%
effort 3.07%
investment 2.86%
marriage 2.44%
bank 2.17%
assassination 1.95%
negotiation 1.38%
talk 1.26%
peristalsis 0.12%
每页显示:    共 4