1.   This is based on history and clinical signs, but should be confirmed by faecal examinations from a large sample of the flock.

2.   For faecal examination saturated magnesium sulphate should be used as the flotation solution because of the heavy density of the eggs.

3.   The presence of infection is usually noted only during routine faecal examination.

4.   Less rewarding techniques are those based on faecal examination, either by flotation or by the Baerman method.

5.   This depends on clinical signs and the presence of spherical thick-shelled eggs on faecal examination.

a. + examination >>共 451
medical 15.10%
further 4.93%
closer 4.73%
cross 3.15%
thorough 3.04%
close 2.76%
psychiatric 2.33%
detailed 2.21%
final 2.17%
preliminary 2.01%
faecal 0.24%
faecal + n. >>共 39
water 9.02%
excretion 8.20%
blood 8.20%
incontinence 7.38%
collection 5.74%
fat 4.92%
concentration 4.92%
examination 4.92%
egg 4.10%
output 3.28%
每页显示:    共 6