1.   The size and political diversity of the coalition, however, meant that it was subject to factional infighting which at times threatened its very existence.

2.   As a result, the Karzai government has insisted on international peacekeepers to provide security in a country notorious for its violent factional infighting.

3.   On the reservation, Frazier finds people of remarkable courage and resilience, but he also finds terrible alcoholism, poverty and factional infighting.

4.   The Liberal Democrats fell after being split by factional infighting.

5.   The politicians will keep up their factional infighting while the bureaucracy continues to set policy.

6.   Police blamed factional infighting for the death of Mohammed Tajuddin, a militant who authorities said headed a notorious torture cell known as the Yellow House.

7.   And many residents doubt the northern alliance, whose leaders ruined Kabul through factional infighting when they held power six years ago, can lead the healing process.

8.   But the New York billionaire has said he is having serious doubts about whether the Reform Party can heal its own wounds, inflicted by factional infighting.

9.   Chief on the list of things holding Trump back from announcing his candidacy is factional infighting within the party.

10.   Congolese rebels traveled to Uganda on Sunday for a meeting with their main ally, President Yoweri Museveni, in hopes of ending the factional infighting.

a. + infighting >>共 92
political 40.47%
bitter 6.27%
factional 4.70%
party 4.44%
bureaucratic 3.39%
republican 2.09%
intense 1.83%
palestinian 1.83%
family 1.31%
corporate 1.04%
factional + n. >>共 70
leader 21.20%
conflict 5.70%
infighting 5.70%
violence 5.70%
dispute 5.38%
strife 5.38%
clash 4.43%
fighter 3.48%
war 3.16%
rivalry 2.85%
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