1.   However, the implications of the work extend beyond theories of face recognition to theories of visual object and word recognition.

2.   Models of face processing Finally, I want to move from cognitive models of word recognition to cognitive models of face recognition.

3.   Using both experimental studies and computer simulation, existing theories of face recognition and learning in general will be evaluated and developed.

4.   In addition, Leippe, Wells and Ostrom have used a staged theft methodology where higher levels of arousal actually seemed to improve face recognition.

5.   An expert in face recognition and face processing.

6.   And by using face recognition the mirror will display personal health advice such as your body-mass index, using inputs from a weight scale and height sensor.

7.   Face recognition could also be used to pick out known terrorists among air passengers.

8.   Face recognition is still a tiny industry.

9.   Government border agents in several countries are employing face- or hand-scanning technology, while Alaska Airlines is testing whether automated face recognition will speed passenger boarding.

10.   Improved software in areas such as object and face recognition, navigation, sensing and speech recognition are helping too.

n. + recognition >>共 128
name 42.46%
speech 9.81%
brand 7.33%
voice 6.57%
handwriting 2.80%
face 2.37%
pattern 2.16%
word 1.94%
government 1.51%
brand-name 1.08%
face + n. >>共 466
mask 12.06%
lift 7.04%
charge 5.14%
time 3.02%
paint 2.01%
arrest 1.95%
trial 1.95%
shield 1.79%
red 1.45%
opposition 1.40%
recognition 1.23%
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