1.   Shopkeepers bemoan their losses, but any shops found open face stiff fines and suspended licenses.

2.   Some face stiff fines, losing their license, the wrath of their parents -- and some are lucky to be alive after being in accidents.

3.   The Dodgers face fines, suspensions and the possible loss of selections in the amateur draft if they are found in have broken rules.

4.   The initial agreement forces members of the single currency to keep their deficits within prescribed levels or face fines.

5.   There is Greed, which prompted Catholic prelates to defame victims rather than face civil fines and depleted contributions.

6.   Players found to have violated the rules about guarantees face stiff fines and suspensions.

7.   As a result, consumers and industries have been forced to reduce consumption by one-fifth or face fines and service cuts.

8.   Companies caught copying face fines and can be required to pay compensation to software producers as well as to buy new originals, BSA said.

9.   Currently, people convicted of sending threatening mail and hoaxers who waste police time face fines and from eight days to three months in jail.

10.   The Australian Capital Territory -- the region around Canberra -- has already decriminalized personal marijuana use so that people caught with small amounts face fines rather than criminal charges.

n. + fine >>共 191
traffic 6.03%
face 5.40%
works 4.76%
court 3.17%
work 2.86%
government 1.59%
club 1.59%
pay 1.59%
moment 1.27%
sound 1.27%
face + n. >>共 466
mask 12.06%
lift 7.04%
charge 5.14%
time 3.02%
paint 2.01%
arrest 1.95%
trial 1.95%
shield 1.79%
red 1.45%
opposition 1.40%
fine 0.95%
每页显示:    共 17