1.   As with his previous two Johnson books, Caro combined research from printed records with eyewitness interviews to present his version of events.

2.   Agents spent chunks of their days rereading the eyewitness interviews.

3.   Particularly important are its compelling eyewitness interviews, since there are still those among us who actually believe the Holocaust never happened.

4.   Particularly important arei ts compelling eyewitness interviews, since there are still those among us who actually believe the Holocaust never happened.

n. + interview >>共 325
telephone 32.99%
television 17.30%
radio 9.17%
job 5.70%
newspaper 5.70%
phone 3.76%
week 3.45%
medium 2.25%
press 1.16%
police 1.04%
eyewitness 0.08%
eyewitness + n. >>共 28
account 50.00%
report 17.01%
testimony 12.50%
identification 4.86%
description 2.08%
evidence 2.08%
corroboration 1.74%
interview 1.39%
statement 1.04%
sighting 0.69%
每页显示:    共 4